Tag your website links on Google Business Profile

It'll skyrocket your insights in Google Analytics.

by Shawn Joshi

Tagging your links on Google Business is easy - and pays massive dividends.

Here's how to do it.

Add UTM parameters to your website links.

Think of these as "tags" that you add to your website links. They'll track the source of your traffic.

These are the parameters I regularly use:


click to copy

If your website is domain.com - this is what you'd add to your listing:

Track traffic and conversions in Google Analytics.

Most of my readers use Google Analytics - so I'm focusing on that. But the process is similar for other platforms.

#1 Navigate to the Traffic or User Acquisition report.

#2 Use the table's drop-down to select source/medium.

In most cases, you'll either use First user source/medium or Session source/medium.

#3 View traffic and conversions.


Why this is useful

Once you have access to this data, you can use it to make better marketing decisions.


And if you really want to nerd out - you can view keyword and ranking data in Google Search Console :)

What to do next

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